Wednesday, December 18, 2013

My "Abortion" Commentary Blog

Abortions-The reason that I choose this topic is because this topic is such a hard debatable topic. I feel that a woman’s choice to have an abortion is just that, “Her Choice.” When looking for the definition of the word abortion I came across different definitions and according to yahoo. (n.d.) it’s “the removal of an embryo or fetus from the uterus in order to end a pregnancy”. 2 “It’s an immature and nonviable (not able of living or developing) fetus.” Now according to Oxford Dictionary 1 It’s “the deliberate termination of a human pregnancy, most often performed during the first 28 weeks of pregnancy.” Just looking at the two different definition of the word “abortion” can lead to a debate of its own. Both way, the end result will still be the same and this is that a life is ending before it can begin and this is what is causing all of the debates. But, when is a fetus consider to be alive or have a heartbeat is a huge debate inside of this debatable topic.

 According to "New Health Guide" (2013), “the heart forms soon after fertilization.” According to "Mayo Clinic" (December 4, 2012), “The fifth week of pregnancy or the third week after conception begins the  embryonic period in which the baby's brain, spinal cord, heart and other organs begin to form.” Knowing this information should really make it hard for a woman who is having this procedure but still they still do. Is that because they don’t know this information or they do and still choose to have an abortion? Either way, it’s no one’s choice but the woman and sometime the man involved in having the abortion.
During the past few weeks while researching information on abortions I had the opportunity to take a ride over to a place, that’s located in my city that offers abortions. I have to say that I was so surprise to see how many angry people there were outside of this place picketing or protesting the women that were going into this office. There were protesters outside the front of the office, along the side streets and in the back of this office. The protesters all had signs and some of the signs had pictures on them with very graphic images of unborn fetus. Some of the protesters were angry that there were ladies going into this office and they were yelling at a few but there also some more clam ones and they were just out there marching holding their signs. This is America that we live in and the protester have the right to protest just as the woman have the right to go inside. Now I must admit that when I started this school report I wasn’t expecting to find out so much information about this word “Abortion.” I wasn’t expecting the emotions of others involved with this word. The involvement would not be physically connected to the actual procedure or woman having the procedure, but yet the most heard voices were coming from the ones that were not physically involved.

Now rather I agree with a woman getting an abortion is neither here nor there, but what I don’t agree with is hurting someone just because they choose to have one and I don’t agree with the hurting and sometimes the killing of doctors that perform these procedures. I know most people that read this is going to have much to say about it, but all that I am saying is this, “No one should try to stop a woman from being able to make a decision about what she is going to do to her body.” What we don’t know is the reason behind a woman’s choice in having this done, it may be lifesaving or it may just be that she changed her mind. Either way, it’s a woman choice to have an abortion no matter how personally one may feel about it.

 Mayo Clinic. (December 4, 2012). Retrieved from

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